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Čuvari pangolina: Muškarci koji su život posvetili očuvanju najugroženije vrste sisara

Grupa muškaraca u Zimbabveu 24 sata dnevno čuva pangoline u želji da podignu svest i očuvaju životinjsku vrstu kojom se najviše trguje u čitavom svetu.

Pogledajte neverovatne portrete grupe muškaraca koji su svoje živote posvetili sisaru kojim se najviše trguje u svetu – pangolinu.

Nastale fotografije su deo kampanje kojom želi da se poveća svest i fondovi za zaštitu ovih vrsta.

*** EDITORS PLEASE NOTE – MINDERS NAMES HAVE BEEN REMOVED, PLEASE DON’T USE MINDERS NAMES *** *** EXCLUSIVE – VIDEO AVAILABLE *** HARARE, ZIMBABWE – OCTOBER 13: Tikki Hywood Trust pangolin minder, 13th October, 2016. Incredible portraits of a group of men who dedicate their lives to the most trafficked mammal in the world – the pangolin – have been released today as part of a campaign to raise awareness and funds for the protection of the species. Committed minders from the The Tikki Hywood Trust in Zimbabwe work hard to protect the species with a one-on-one care programme. The charity workers are assigned with one pangolin each, where they spend 24 hours a day rehabilitating and walking the majestic mammals so that they can forage naturally. Surprising to most, pangolins are one of the world’s most endangered species, with over one million of them killed every year for their scales, meat and blood. Photographer Adrian Steirn travelled to Zimbabwe to capture the men’s complete commitment to the cause they serve and bring much needed awareness to the pangolin., Image: 304544644, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** SOUTH AFRICA OUT ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Barcroft Media

Posvećeni negovatelji iz The Tikki Hywood Trust u Zimbabveu naporno rade kako bi zaštitili vrstu. Svaki radnik brine o jednom pangolinu i provodi 24 sata dnevno sa njima, hraneći ih i šetajući s njima.

Na iznenađenje mnogih, pangolini su jedna od najugroženijih vrsta, sa više od milion ubijenih svake godine zbog mesa, krvi i kože.

Fotograf Edrijen Steirn je putovao u Zimbabve kako bi fotografisao muškarce koji su svoje živote posvetili ovim životinjama u nadi da će se svest o pangolinima povećati.


*** EDITORS PLEASE NOTE – MINDERS NAMES HAVE BEEN REMOVED, PLEASE DON’T USE MINDERS NAMES *** *** EXCLUSIVE – VIDEO AVAILABLE *** HARARE, ZIMBABWE – OCTOBER 13: Tikki Hywood Trust pangolin minders, 13th October, 2016. Incredible portraits of a group of men who dedicate their lives to the most trafficked mammal in the world – the pangolin – have been released today as part of a campaign to raise awareness and funds for the protection of the species. Committed minders from the The Tikki Hywood Trust in Zimbabwe work hard to protect the species with a one-on-one care programme. The charity workers are assigned with one pangolin each, where they spend 24 hours a day rehabilitating and walking the majestic mammals so that they can forage naturally. Surprising to most, pangolins are one of the world’s most endangered species, with over one million of them killed every year for their scales, meat and blood. Photographer Adrian Steirn travelled to Zimbabwe to capture the men’s complete commitment to the cause they serve and bring much needed awareness to the pangolin., Image: 304544675, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** SOUTH AFRICA OUT ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Barcroft Media
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